Wednesday, February 12, 2020

HANDS ON EXERCISE for generosity and highness

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the legal, ethical,
and societal issues in the use of media and information.

a.What issues do you see in the poster?
b. Which ones do you understand? Which ones do you not know?
c. What possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet are depicted in the picture?
d. Which of these issues have happened to you or to your friends? Why did they happen?

Answer at the comment section 


  1. A.In the picture, I saw some illegal activities.
    B. I already knew what are those are means,but I just don't understand the Avatars.
    C. There are more possible danger and issues if we would use the enternet I an unproper way. Especially, nowadays, if you are careless those things in the pictures, you can easilly acquire those issues if you will won't use the enternet carefully.
    D. So far, I didn't experience it yet ,nor my friends too.

  2. A. The issues that i seen to the picture is all about the illegal activities now a day.

    B. I understand those illegal activities, but i don't understand why avatars is belong to those illegal activities.

    C. The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet in the picture, is the texting/sexting, xxx sites, illegal downloads, identity thieves, bullies, gambling, hackers and warez.

    D. The issues have happened to me, is the illegal downloads, hackers and warez. Its happened because the internet give a hacking code to work inside the software without paying any money.

  3. A. The Picture's are portraying the some illegal activities that are happening in our society.

    B. I understand most all of this illegal activities , except of this two the Identity thieves and the avatar .

    C. The internet can be a dangerous neighbourhood for teens and children's from predators to social media post that can come back to haunt them later in life . The hazard can be frightening. Teens and childrens are often targets of these malicious user's common threats to personal safety include: phishing, internet scams, malware, cyberstalking, cyber bullying, online predations and sextortion.

    D.I never experience yet this illegal activities even my friends too .

  4. A. The pictures shows the issues about the negative effect of improper use of technology or internet

    B.I understand is XXX sites and the one I don't understand is Predators

    C. The improper use of internet has a great effect on one lives. This may invade ones privacy because if your personal information will not be guarded properly this may destroy your dignity.

    D.There's no issues happened to me nor to my friends

  5. A.Based on what I have seen to this poster is all about the issues of illegal,crimes and forbidden acts through using internet.

    B.mostly all of this activities are familiar to me and I already know but out of two of this are not familiar and i dont understand which is the predator and avatar.

    C.It considerably more dangerous affect for the user that doing illegal activitiy on internet has a bad consequences.Texting/sexting,Illegal download,xxx sites are rampant in our social media society that every must be aware that.

    D.Honestly, I don't really experienced in any of this and I guess my friends same like me.

  6. Kimhar M. Sampang

    A.cybercrime,violence,crime and illegal programming

    B.Did i know on this poster was about the variety of cybercrime that clouds around the mind of the user. And I didn't know somehow,how often was by happened.

    C. The program cycle was shown from the internet would affect the mind of the user. In that based on the non-parental programming the person itself deviantly abuse on what he/she got onto mental disactivities by violence.

    D. None of the above, Ain't know those boards. As an I browse... I'm possible to affected on that.


  7. A. The issues that I seen in the poster is all about the Cybercrime in using media and information.

    B. The One most I understand is the Predator,but I don't know what is Avatars.

    C. The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet are the Hacking and Warez,illegal downloads,texting,gambling,xxx sites.

    D. None of these issues have happened to me and to my friends.

  8. A.As ,I look the poster it contains all the possible results connecting in technology and it's happening in our society.
    B.I understand the bully issue because it's very common in our society,and the avatar issue is not familiar for me.
    C.We all know that there's a positive and negative effects having this high technology.The posible danger is that if you expose your personal identity and luxurious things in the internet it will be seen by many people around the world and they might have interest on your state of living or worst you will be the victim of cyberbullying.
    D.The bully issue is what my friend has been experience of .The reason is that they posting some pictures showing their cleavage or legs not minding what the viewers might think about them ,by that they will be freely commenting in your picture either it's positive or negative one ,bully will never be stop until they ruin your background and in the end it will lead to depression.



  9. A. About computer addiction the excessive use of computer to the extent that it interferes with daily life.

    B. The ones that I were able to understand were the hackers, illegal downloads, illegal activity, xxx sites, drugs, sexting, identity theft and bullies. The ones that I don't know much about are the avatars and gambling online.

    C. People, especially children, who are still unfamiliar of these dangers may become victims of these dangers may become victims of these kinds of activities on the Internet. People need to be aware that these dangers luck on the net and they fall victim to it.

    D. I had a friend that had her profile hacked by an unknown person. It happened because she accidentally left her facebook profile open on a public computer shop. The person ended up sending messages to her friends on facebook and posting malicious thing on her profile.

  10. A. The issues that I saw in the picture above is all about illegal activities that some happens in our society.

    B. I understand those illegal activities, but I don't understand why identity thieves and avatars are belong to the said illegal activities.

    C. The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet are gambling, bullies, XXX sites, hackers and warez, illegal downloads and also texting/sexting.

    D.So far, I didn't experience this yet also to my friends.

    #Rhea Shella B. Monter
    #12 Ingenuity

  11. A.) As what I've seen on the poster above, the poster contains an elligal activities or issues which is very common on the internet nowadays.

    B.) I understand most of all the situantion on the poster except the two issues which are the Predator & Avatar.

    C.) The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet are Identity thieves, Bullies, Illegal downloads, Texting-Sexting and XXX sites.

    D.) Those issues didn't happened to me yet but some of my friends experienced this issue which is the Identity thieves, Someone used her identity and posted something unpleasing photos and bad words on internet

  12. A.) As what I've seen on the poster above, the poster contains an elligal activities or issues which is very common on the internet nowadays.

    B.) I understand most of all the situantion on the poster except the two issues which are the Predator & Avatar.

    C.) The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet are Identity thieves, Bullies, Illegal downloads, Texting-Sexting and XXX sites.

    D.) Those issues didn't happened to me yet but some of my friends experienced this issue which is the Identity thieves, Someone used her identity and posted something unpleasing photos and bad words on internet


  13. A. As we can see in the poster is all about illegal activities what is happening nowadays.

    B. I almost know what is in the poster above except the avatar.

    C. The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet are the Hacking and Warez,illegal downloads,texting,gambling,xxx sites.

    D.this issue didn't happened to my self but I have a happened it to them. Specially bullies, xxx, and elligal download.

  14. A.)The issues that I saw in that poster are criminal activities, state computer crime laws related to hacking and unauthorized access, viruses, malware or any other actions that interfere with computers, system programs or network in our society.

    B.) Based on my understanding the one that I understand the most is hackers and warez . A warez site may also provide hacker with virus and trojans as well as tips , techniques and script for gaining illegal entry into networks and systems. The one that I don't understand in that societal issues is avatar.

    C.)No doubt, the internet can be an extremely useful tool for young people . But instant messaging , chat rooms , can also bring trouble from cyber bullying to more serious internet danger, including exposure to sexual predators. Cyber bullying includes sending hateful message or even death threats to children spreading lies about them online , making nasty comments on their social networking profile or creating a website to bash their looks or reputation.

    D.) To be honest I've never experienced those issues on that poster in my life , but one of my friend happened those issues like identity theft. A friend of mine is currently the victim of identity theft, more specifically someone else is using his social security number to gain employment and possibly engaging in other illegal and dangerous behavior. Her identity had been stolen and she didn't find out. To this day she is not in the clear and now have to monitor her credit report to make sure the same thing doesn't happen again.

  15. A. The issues that I've seen at the pictures is DRUG which is very well-known nowadays and it may be affect someone.

    B. Most of the issues that shown above is I already knew except the two issues both avatars, and hacker and warez.

    C. The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of internet in the pictures shown above are bullies, identity thieves, XXX sites, Illegal activity, Illegal downloads, texting/sexting, and drug.

    D. Not experienced yet even my friends too..

  16. A. The issues I see in the poster is drugs because drugs is very common in our society.

    B. The issues shown above is l already know gambling,bullies,identity thieves,drugs and etc.,except the hacker and warez and avatars.

    C. The possible dangers and issues use of the internet are the bullies,texting/sexting,and the danger is drugs because drugs is very well-known.

    D. Since birth I don't have experience this issues and also my friends too.

    #Rosiejean Oliveros
    #ICT 12

  17. A. The picture i've seen is an image of unlawful activities in the internet that can affect the mindset of an innocent people and leads into ruining their life.
    B. While looking at the picture there's a lot of perception comin' in my head about the issues that are familiar to me such as Gambling, Bullies, Identity Thieves, XXX sites, Drugs, Texting/sexting, Hacker/Warez, Illegal downloads,and Illegal Activity. Some of the words are peculiar that I didn't know what does it mean. The Avatar and Predator are the words that I didn't understand.
    C. There's a lot of possible dangers and issues of unguraded use of internet in the image that can harm the reputation and dignity of a person, especially when his/her privacy revealed into a worse situation.
    D. The issues in the image didn't happened to me, but one of my friend suffered from depression, because there is an unknown person who pretends to be her and posted an obscene photos.

  18. A. The picture represent an illegal,and very not appropriate activity, that can affect the mental and physical health of the innocent person.

    B I know almost all of the picture except for avatar,

    C.The are many possible danger and issue of unguarded uses of the internet it can affect the victims reputation, privacy and his/her life and lead to suicide.

    D.The issue that happened is very common, bullies. My fried suffer very seriously because of that cyber bullying. he transfer to other school very quickly because of what happen.

  19. A. for my own opinion of there picture that has a person to people he or
    she to innocent of his situation in our sociaty

    B. this picture lve seen we are looking i mass understand to people
    not looking in our sorounding lm not undertant of this picture just like drug,texting/sexting, has not familiar of his words

    c. this kind of issues that danger in our sociaty because people he/she posible happened if not looking issues of unguraded person of situation

    D.actually this kind of image or situatin we get suffered from the
    depression, stress but we whan to fight as unforgetable experience


  20. A. As I see the poster, all of the pictures had an illegal meaning and negative activity.
    B. Pictures that I really understand the one that texting/Sexting because most of the Millennial nowadays,they are using their gadgets through texting or should I say sexting. The one that I don't understand is avatars.
    C. the possible outcome of this are internet are good but we shoud use it in a good way or a nice way, so that no one will harm, the one that should depicted is illegal activity.
    D. Actually it doesn't happen to me or to my friends and I thank God for that.

  21. A.The poster show's the issues about the illegal activities.

    B.I mostly understand all the internet issues on the poster. Except the avatar issue.

    C.For me the possible dangers and issues of the internet are ,hacking, texting/sexting and the most dangers is drug because it is mostly familiar.

    D. Since ever i didn't not experience this illegal activities even my friends too.

  22. A. For my observation in the picture that i saw is there many illegal activities and addiction from technologies.

    B. I understand some illegal activities, but i don't understand the avatars and predators.

    C. The possible dangerous and issues of unguarded use of the internet are the hackers and warez, bullies, texting/sexting, xxx sites, identify thieves.

    D. I never experience this illegal activities to me even to my friends.

  23. A. according to what i've seen on that picture I saw some illegal activities that can ruin everybody's life nor everybody's health.
    B.Based on the picture above the familiar issues to me is the gambling,bullies ,texting/sexing,xxx sites,identify thieves,drugs,illegal activities, illegal downloads,hackers/warez.And the unfamiliar to me is the avatar and the predators crime.
    C.There are more possible out comes that can harm or ruin someones life by the use of internet in a wrong way. Specially those person protecting their image and suddenly it revealed without any permission then it will ruin his/her reputation and a dignity of that person.
    D.The issues or this crime didn't happen to me nor experience it and I wont allow it,and for my best friends I know that they also not experience it because they already old enough to do what is good and what is bad to their health specially to their upcoming future.

  24. a. The issue I see in the poster is people doing illegal work.
    b. The issue I understand is bullies and what I don't understand is Predators
    c. The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet are dambling, bullies,xxx sites, texting/sexting, hackers and warez and illegal downloads.
    d. the issue that happened to me or some of my friends was bully


    A.The picture that Iv'e seen on those posters are the image,about illegal issues in our society. which are the illegal activity,hack/warez,illegal downloads,xxx sites,gambling,bullies,identity thieves,texting/sexting,predator and avatar.But most commonly issues can cause addiction like drugs,and that's why our society right now have many crime.
    B.While looking at those poster most commonly that Iv'e already know are the drugs, illegal activity,hacker/warez,illegal downloads,xxx sites,gambling ,bullies,identity thieves and texting/sexting.Some of the words are sounds familiar but I didn't know what is it and whats the meaning of this.Which mean predator and avatar, those words that I don't understand.
    C.The possible dangers and issues used of the internet are the texting and sexting, or what we called sending of sexually explicit messages,images or videos through cellphones and especially the drugs by selling online.
    D.Since birth this issues,in the image didn't happened to me,but one of my friend are suffering from a depressions about family problem,and because of his situations he takes drugs in order to move on, to make him happy.But it is not good to our health it can cause of addiction,lost of mind and mental depression.And that's the time he cannot control his self he always laughing and a crime like rape.For now on he is in prison.

  26. A. The issues that i see in the picture/ poster is all about the illegal by using the social media or technology.
    B. the poster I've seen above is very familiar to me, it is an illegal activity such as drugs, bullies and hackers and wareZ but some of the poster is not familiar to me.
    C. The possible danger and issues in the picture/ poster by using social media or internet you can hurt the other especially in mental and emotional.
    D. I didn't experience of these some issues but some of my friend encounter bullies in social media.

    #Janefer Delante
    #12 ingenuity

  27. A. The issue in the picture is all about the illegal issues by using of technology.
    B. The pictures I've seen these are familiar words like, illegal activity, hackers wareZ, texting/ sexting, drugs, bullies and gambling. But some unlawful activities are not familiar to me.
    C the possible danger and issues in the picture, by using of internet you can hurt people emotionally, physically and mentally.
    D. I didnt encounter of these some issues but to my friend they encounter an issue especially in facebook.

    #Glory Mae Apas
    #12 ingenuity

  28. A. The issue above was all about illegal doings, including the technology knowadays.
    B. The picture above shows evil doings such as drugs,gambling,bullies and etc.
    C. This may bring us, danger especially to those people who was not aware in terms of using internet properly.
    D. I encounter bullying a year ago also my friends.


  29. A. The issues that I've seen in the poster is all about the cycle of illegal activities that are commonly happen in our society.

    B. The one I've understand is drugs and the one I did'nt understand is the predators.

    C. The possible danger and issues that will encountered;like cyberbullying, cause unhealthy lifestyle visiting website that not allowed for the under age or like me.

    C. The issues commonly happened to me or to my friends is Bullying.It's happen because of ours physical appearance.

    #Dorren Grace Balili

  30. a.The issues that i saw in the poster is a kind of illegal activities that can destroyed as.
    b.I understand is the drugs and the one that i don't understand is the Avatars and Predators.
    c.The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet is because it's anyone can apply this kind of illegal activities and it can affects to our health.
    d.I've never experience this illegal activities or even my all friends.


  31. Joeramil D. Lauro (February 23,2020) at 12:30 PM

    A.The issues that i've see in this poster that some man ang woman they admit their life through danger. They involve their life to a things that is not probably good.They take illegal works to earn money, but that has not eseential life to create their own happiness.
    B.Base on that poster that i've seen, the one that i understand is a young man sitting in front of computer. I dont know what he's doing, but i appreciate his ability to focusing doing some important activities through computer.
    C.The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet are depicted in the picture,there's a possibility they report or prison with this case. They entered their life through danger.And these issues can't conquer their life better because of their lifestyle doing some illegal activity and an issue in social media.
    D.The issues that happened to my friend is Gambling,because at the first place he said that playing gambling is just for having fun even though your lost or win or lost of money. Sometimes he played gambling with his neighbor, because he felt so bored with his room. He think that when he play gambling,he can earn money easily.And he said that playing gambling is the way to buy anything what he want.But he realized that playing gambling has not a good essential to your life.At now, he stop playing gambling because he said no one can grew up better life through playing gambling.


  32. A. The issues that I see in the pictures is all about the illegal issues by using the social media.

    B. The picture I've understand in the picture/poster shown above is Drugs, Bullies, texting/sexing and gambling. But some of the picture above is not familiar to me like avatars and predators.

    C. The possible dangers and issues unguarded use of the internet are bullies,XXX sites, hacker and warez, illegal downloads and texting/sexing.

    D. I never experience yet this kind of illegal activities. But some of my friends experience bully issues because of the internet.

    #Amie Balambao

  33. #Roxan E. Castanares #12Ingenuity
    #ICT February 24 at 8:55 PM

    A.) The issues that i see in the poster,that people entered their life through a negative things.They has no entirely life because of work what they did.Sometimes they felt lose of happiness and self-confident beacause of people who treats them without respect and kindness.These issues it may contains them through a dangers life.
    B.) The one that i must understand base in this poster that a young man who bullies around him. Being bullies person has always a negative mindset why does people treat them without respect and truly love.But always have a self-confidence how to be strong person to face it all.Just treat people what they face on you.
    C.) The possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet that are depicted in the picture,that there is possible their life will going to a prison or they contains more case about what they did.And their lifestyle will not truly involve in our society because of their negative ability.
    D.) The issues happened to my friend is a Bullies. Firstly she's always thinking why people so damn to look her.Sometimes she felt hurt, lose of confidence and respect with her self because of people who bullies around her.Nothing in her life provides her with more security than knowing that no matter what happens between significant others or friends,she always have someone who is in her corner.And that is God.

    #Roxan E. Castanares

  34. A. As ibunderstand at the pictures it talks about the illegal activities in our society and its negative effects in community.

    B. I understand all the posters. But I didn't understand why they doing illegal activities tatvthey know it can affect not only theirself but also to their family and community.

    C. The most dangers to unguarded use of internet is being in a critical situation and can cause a suicide and being addicted to it.

    D.some of the pictures happen to my friends are gambling,drugs,and bullies.. I think they did it to get a big amount of money. But they didn't think first those effects to them.


  35. A.The issue that I've seen in the picture is all about the cycle of how the illegal activities flow on our country.

    B.I understand all of picture that I've seen in the poster.We can encounter that in our daily life but why people do that kind of activities.

    C.The possible danger and issue if our government unguarded the evil people,some students may be a victim of cyber crime or some of them use or to plagiarism.

    D.The issue that I experienced and my friends is they bully me through social media or cyber bullying they sent me a bold picture or they always teased me they didn't know that they hurt my feelings because for that just a joke.

  36. A: the issues that ive seen in the picture are all about the negative usage of internet.

    B: well some the picture ive seen at the poster was understandable except the avatar.

    C: the dangerous effect of that certain issue was if some users well dont understand the real usage of internet we will be victim of those people who are keep doing bad things using social media and internet so beware guys in using Internet.

    D:well some of that issue's was familiar but the issue that happened not just me but some of us was encountered bullying we are not excmpeted of that because we are living in a democrating and judgmental society and that was the one problem that me and individual encountered.
    #G12 Ingenuity

  37. A.The issues in that picture I've seen is all about illegal activities, Which is illegal downloads,Drugs,Gambling,Xxx sites,Bullies or etc.
    B.I already understand some of the illegal activities Except the Avatar and Predators.
    C.The possible danger or issues that we could get from those issues is that when we will become the victim of it.
    D.Honestly,I Didn't experienced that kind of issues Specially to my friends.

    #Angel Sangcaan

    Rhea Mae Roplo

  39. *

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    Panaligan,Dinamee Q.
    Grade-XI Generosity

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    Rommel Jr. D. Taguran
    Grade- 11- INTEGRITY

    Elgin H. Kilala
    Grade 11 Hope

    Jessa Mae S. Jagolino




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